Resistance is NOT our friend and never has been. Allow me to explain …
Any war-like activities and thoughts will always be met with resistance. Why? Because like attracts like. It is a Universal Law no matter how much we want to call it bunk, fairy dust or my fave: “new age” LOL.
War-like thinking attracts more war-like thinking. Violence thinking attracts more violence thinking. Looking at what we don’t want (or want to eliminate) attracts more of what we don’t want.
The fight against against drugs, fight against crime, fight against obesity, war rooms, punching fear in the face, and so many other war-violence-like phrases and slogans are simply setting our society up for more resistance and the attraction of more of what we don’t want. Hello? Why continue to attempt “to fix” something with the same mind-set and behavior that didn’t work before.
On the other hand, when we look at the process of creation, it will take as long as we CHOOSE. We choose to manifest something into our reality by focusing on the process of creation. And it can be done quickly – as soon as we make the decision. Imagine what we could do as a society if we collectively shifted our mindset.
How can we help create a happier society filled with peace and love? We start with ourselves. We start by being aware of what we are saying, thinking, doing. That’s called personal response-ability. That’s called a cooperative society where everyone WINS.
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