When we attempt to make someone “wrong”, it is never about the other person. What we see in other people is a reflection of who we are at that moment. Let go and know that we are each as unique as our fingerprints and DNA. Everyone is doing the best they can on the path they are choosing, and what works for one will not work the same for anyone. When we attempt to make someone wrong, we are trying to control them to make ourselves feel better. Why? Because we lack trust and confidence in ourselves at that moment. I tell you, the satisfaction we feed our EGOs by making someone wrong “in our own minds” will always be temporary. Until we make someone ‘wrong’ again. It’s an addictive, dysfunctional and unfortunately, socially acceptable behavior that we can choose to break free of at any time. We are creating our reality at every moment. No one’s reality is the same. Respect ALL people regardless of who they are. Those people who push our buttons are our teachers in that moment. They give us the opportunity to see our own reflection and make small changes to be the highest version of ourselves. Namaste. Want to sign up for my newsletter?...
Shift Happens
“Every day the world shows you your state of mind. Life comes right up in your face and says, “This is what you are thinking – have a nice day!” The good news is you are free to change your mind whenever you want. When you SHIFT your thinking, the world shifts. This is because the world is an effect of your thoughts.” ~Robert Holden Shift Happens … It can happen in a number of ways but generally all ways fall into two categories. 1) Shifts that you deliberately create, and 2) Shifts that happen to force you to create a different reality; it’s a balancing shift. The latter may show up as a nudge, push or even worse depending on how resistant and controlling you are. The first way is the least painful. Which would you...
Universal Languages: Laughing & Smiling
“There are two things that we all do the same regardless of culture and creed. There is no confusion as to what they mean when they are exchanged with another person: laughing and smiling. Smile today at everyone … You never know who’s day you will brighten.” ~Susan Abrams...
Take Action
“You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ~Mac Anderson “Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Growth only occurs when we step outside of our comfort zone.” – Susan Abrams...
Recreating Myself – 2014
My first step is setting a Divine Intention with a group of like-minded, like-hearted and like-spirited people today. As the year unfolds I will post the next step in the process of my recreation below. I’d encourage you to do the same. SHARE this image if you would like to make this pledge too! What will be YOUR first step? SUSAN ABRAMS MILLIGAN’S STEPS TOWARD RECREATION: 1. Set a Divine Intention with a group of like-minded, like-hearted and like-spirited people using the process of the “Transformation Game” (by Findhorn.org)...
I Choose Deliberate Focus
“Have you heard the expression, “We’re either growing or we’re dying.”? Well, what they’re saying is, “You can’t stand still.” We are either giving our attention to where we’re going or we’re giving attention to where we’ve been or we’re giving our attention to where we are, but in any case, wherever we’re giving our attention, the Universe is matching it.” ~Abraham It is Law and no one is exempt from it. It’s super simple. What you focus on...