Conditional Relationships
If anyone puts a condition on a relationship with you that is dependent on you BEing, doing and having __________ just to “make them feel better about themselves or justified in stroking their own EGO”, don’t change WHO YOU ARE or your focus on what you are creating. That is one of the biggest reasons people become unhappy, depressed, unbalanced, and then go on medications to mask or pretend they don’t know what their spirit is attempting to tell them. If someone doesn’t think you are good enough, KNOW that you are and what they think about you isn’t about you at all.
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Life Is Too Short To Wait
May I tell you a story as to why I live my life this way?
My father was an entrepreneur at heart. He loved coming up with ideas and putting them into action. Over his lifetime he had multiple businesses and he was good at it, but he never quite made the income that he had set as a goal.
One day in 1987 he made what he considered to be the ultimate fortune – at last! He had bought a small home and was renovating it into a rental property. A major grocery store chain that was coming into the area wanted to buy the property from him. He was elated. At last he’d made his fortune even though it didn’t look like what he had originally intended!
Two weeks after he received what he considered to be the “big check”, he died in the arms of my little sister of a massive hemorrhage due to cancer.
Because I know (and therefore teach others) that each person who comes into our lives is our teacher and our student at the same time, I learned so much from my father. His death was a lesson and in a sense a gift for me to make changes in my own life.
I too am an entrepreneur at heart. I enjoy the thrill of creating successful businesses and helping others create successful businesses too. Each day I live my dream. I get to help people be the highest version of themselves in all areas of their life. When we do what we love, the income naturally shows up – when we are open to seeing beyond the obvious. I’ve also learned that balancing work and play is important too. What do I mean?
My father first taught me that doing what you love is essential to your happiness. But balancing that with joy, fun and relationships with people outside of my business successes was critical too. He also taught me that it was important for me to be aware that things show up for us all the time. The question is, are we open to seeing it when it happens? It may not show up looking a certain way, and that’s okay. The best part about the gift he left me was teaching me that I had the power to create whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it. I learned that I was a natural born leader when I lived in my passion. People naturally wanted to follow me and do what I did.
Why is this important to you? Because … this could be your story too! You have the power to create anything at any time. That power is always there waiting for you. When will you choose to use it? Will you practice using it every day so that you are designing your life around what matters most?
Life as we know it right now is short, my friends. Know that you are creating absolutely everything; even those things that you think are happening to you. Things never happen to us; they happen through us.
Has Someone Pushed Your Buttons?
When we attempt to make someone wrong, we are trying to control them to make ourselves feel better. Why? Because we lack trust and confidence in ourselves at that moment. I tell you, the satisfaction we feed our EGOs by making someone wrong “in our own minds” will always be temporary. Until we make someone ‘wrong’ again. It’s an addictive, dysfunctional and unfortunately, socially acceptable behavior that we can choose to break free of at any time. We are creating our reality at every moment. No one’s reality is the same.
Respect ALL people regardless of who they are. Those people who push our buttons are our teachers in that moment. They give us the opportunity to see our own reflection and make small changes to be the highest version of ourselves. Namaste.
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Shift Happens
“Every day the world shows you your state of mind. Life comes right up in your face and says, “This is what you are thinking – have a nice day!” The good news is you are free to change your mind whenever you want. When you SHIFT your thinking, the world shifts. This is because the world is an effect of your thoughts.” ~Robert Holden
Shift Happens … It can happen in a number of ways but generally all ways fall into two categories. 1) Shifts that you deliberately create, and 2) Shifts that happen to force you to create a different reality; it’s a balancing shift. The latter may show up as a nudge, push or even worse depending on how resistant and controlling you are. The first way is the least painful. Which would you prefer?
Universal Languages: Laughing & Smiling
“There are two things that we all do the same regardless of culture and creed. There is no confusion as to what they mean when they are exchanged with another person: laughing and smiling. Smile today at everyone … You never know who’s day you will brighten.” ~Susan Abrams Milligan