You Cannot Unknown
I’ve been awake for over 25 years. How about you? Did you know that once we know something we cannot unknow it? Trying to unknow something is like having one foot in one reality and one in another. You are literally pulling yourself apart (depression, anxiety, frustration, anger, medical issues). Many people intuitively know this to be true so instead of looking at what they know, they deny it, pretend it doesn’t exist, make fun of it, belittle it, etc. Truly those things we resist are the very things we need to take a look at. Those things are our teachers in that moment.
I Choose Authenticity
“I CHOOSE AUTHENTICITY” is the caption on my photo and has been almost since day one of being active on Facebook. This caption has nothing to do with other people’s definition of authenticity or conditions they place on me based on their perspective of who they think I am or should be. It has everything to do with BEing authentic to myself. Shining my light regardless what others think, or stuffing it inside because it may bruise their ego or make them feel uncomfortable. Now that doesn’t mean that I do not accept personal responsibility, disrespect others path or their reality. It does mean that I’ve come to realize that how others think I should be isn’t about me at all and never will be. It has everything to do with how they feel about themselves. Now … the reverse is also true. Yes, isn’t life an amazing playground of lessons and opportunities to get to know ourselves through others?
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Competition Always Creates Division
Playing the ‘my dog’s better than your dog’ game is a constant attempt to remind ourselves and others that we have value and worth. It is also a scarcity mentality and a self-esteem issue. Unfortunately, many people in society promote this dysfunction as a character strength. People who are grounded and comfortable in who they are don’t need to play this type of game; in fact, it doesn’t even occur to them.
For example, I know my hair is not purple. It doesn’t even occur to me to try to convince myself and others repeatedly that it is not purple. I’m very grounded in the fact that it is not. Nor does it occur to me that I need to continually remind everyone.
This competitive mindset is what we as a society needs to shift in our awareness so that people can heal and live their lives knowing they have the power. They have always had it. It cannot be taken or given away. You can only choose not to use it. There is plenty of power for everyone. This competitive thing we have going on in our minds will ALWAYS create division in ourselves and others.
Drama Equals Trama
Worrying doesn’t help anyone nor does it illustrate that you care and love someone more, because you put yourself through needless emotional drama. Remember, drama equals trauma to your body, mind, spirit, and emotions. BEing kind to yourself by not worrying is the best thing you can do. It also helps others. I have learned that when I don’t know what to think about something, I don’t. Meaning… I don’t think about it anymore. It’s really that simple. <— A chapter topic in my new book series, “BEing Spiritually Intelligent, Volume I”.
BEing Spiritually Intelligent, Volume I” from Amazon:
Emotions Are Real & Necessary
YOUR emotions are there for a reason. Some emotions serve you and some do not. Both are a God-given gift. Recognize they exist, acknowledge them, deliberately intend to understand what they are telling you. Don’t create more angst in yourself waiting for the answer. Let it go and it will come back to you.
Emotions are often an indicator of something you are resisting. Most of the time when stepping through that resistance, they lessen or go away over time. Do not mask them with medications or allow others to snuff your emotions (to make them feel better). You always have a choice to deliberately create your life, and you can make that choice within seconds. You lack nothing to make that happen.
Understand this if nothing else…. You are a Divine BEing of light energy occupying a human body. YOU are more powerful than you are allowing yourself to BE. You know this to BE true at a deep spiritual level. Step into it. Negative emotions create dis-ease. They are a wake up call that something is not matching that which you know to be true for you. Over time the dis-ease creates disease unless you deliberately create a shift in your thought patterns.