What are YOU Resisting?
Would you like to know how to move your life forward and create what you truly want?
Often times the things we resist are the same things we need to do. To find out what you may be resisting, take about 30-60 minutes to sit quietly with paper and pen to do a complete brain dump. Make a list of “everything” you are resisting. Big and small. Do this without running the thought through your head for approval or analysis. This is your first step to peeling back the layers of resistance.
Choose 2-3 items from your list a month and step into them. By stepping into resistance, it frees up brain space which bolsters precious energy. Herein lies the momentum you were seeking to create a life designed around what you truly want.
Many people who are constantly in the state of resistance become depressed or bored. A natural remedy for boredom is action. Repetitive action often alleviates minor forms of depression. This has been an amazing little exercise with a highly empowering end result that has worked well for me and many people (including my clients).
How do you know if it is something you are resisting? Easy. If it tugs at your attention more than once by way of popping into your head and you’ve still not done it, it is pulling at your focus energy. Anything that pulls at your focus energy distracts you over time and will continue to persist until you take care of it or simply trust yourself to “let it go permanently”. (“What we resist, persists!). Imagine how you’d feel if everything on your Resistance List was done! Seriously. Visualize how freeing it would be and realize that what we imagine is what we create.
Try this little exercise and get back to me. I would love to hear your story. and your story may help many other people who will become inspired by your courage!
Join Us on Facebook!
Have you joined our little community of like-minded and like-hearted spirits on my Facebook pages? As of today, we are a strong 29,000+ at www.fb.com/SusanAbramsMilligan … check out the book series, BEing Spiritually Intelligent’s Facebook page too at www.fb.com/BEingSpirituallyIntelligent … See you there soon!
What is Normal?
Even as a small child I wondered who had the authority to say they had the true definition of “normal”. And if you knew the true definition, what would it take to mold yourself into “normal”? Would you want to be “normal”? Celebrate, honor and respect your unique greatness gifts and those of others. Your suffering will cease when you stop trying to be like everyone else or attempting to be what another thinks you should be to appease their insecurities. You will shine when you recognize, accept and share your greatness. For more information about the Share Your Greatness Challenge, visit: www.ShareYourGreatness.com … Will you accept the challenge?
During my exercise routine this morning my brain and heart started firing on all cylinders, and I began to wonder about all of you who frequent my blog and social media websites.
So I have a few questions for all Lightworkers here, and I’ll post one question per day to keep it simple and focused. The objective is to learn about each other and unite for the greater good.
Many of you in my online communities (Facebook, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn) are Lightworkers with BIG servant hearts. Your mission here was evident to you quickly in life. That mission is to serve others and lift them up in your own unique way with kindness and grace. You each chose a specific path and although that path may be different in some ways, your reason for choosing it is similar.
So my first question is … What path did you choose? What do you do as a career, volunteer, etc that contributes to the collective greater good of helping others BE and Create the highest version of themselves?
Example … Here’s mine: health coach, business coach (train health coaches), spiritual coach, personal development/spirituality author.
Please keep it brief. Your turn …
SHARE this post with your friends who are also Lightworkers. We need more people with kindness and love in their heart within our little community here.