Divine Intention
“If you are not totally clear about the purpose/reason of what you’re doing, you have little to no chance of succeeding long term. If your purpose is to one-up, out-do, or create some other form of unhealthy competition (division), the results will always be temporary because the source of the motivation was external. Look from within to find your own inner inspiration and passion. In Volume I of my series, “BEing Spiritually Intelligent”, I call this state of BEing, “Divine Intention.”” – Susan Abrams Milligan
Choose Authenticity
“Your life truly begins when you know who you are, why you are here and then step into your authentic self with courage and grace regardless of what everyone else is doing or what is going on around you.” – Susan Abrams Milligan
We Are All Students and Teachers at the Same Time
“If you can learn to ask the right questions of strangers, they will not be strangers for long.” ~ Rick Tocquigny
“The people we meet in our daily life are no accident. We meet them because we are all students and teachers at the same time. Everyone that comes into our lives – even for a brief moment – has a purpose. Reach out to all, discover that purpose and know that we are all on different paths and will eventually end up at the same destination.” ~ Susan Abrams Milligan
BE You!
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ~Steve Jobs
“One of the greatest gift your can give others is to be courageous enough to BE who you really are and follow your heart. That simple act sets the example for others to feel okay BEing who they are too. ” – Susan Abrams Milligan
Designing Your Life Around What Matters Most
Are you up for another challenge? Do you really want to see what matters most to you and then step into action to create it and surround yourself with it? Are you ready to see the truth in living color?
Take a piece of paper and write down all the activities you do in the course of a week or month. Then assign a value according to whether this activity adds to your life or diminishes it. A value of +10 means it totally fulfills you and -10 indicates it totally depletes you.
Then consider how much time you are spending in each type of activity. Right before you on paper you will see where and why your life isn’t what you had hoped to create and where and why it is working. FEEL the difference.
Then, next to each item, write down what steps you could take to maximize what lifts you up and minimize or eliminate what seems to deplete you. Behold your Road Map out of hell and the Blueprint to design your life around what matters most to you!
~Alan Cohen
In “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Stephen Covey suggests, “Do what is important rather than what is urgent.”
“When you know what you want and move in the direction to create it, nothing or no one can stop you but you. I love designing my life around what matters most to me and helping others do the same. It’s an incredible way to pay it forward and share the gift of Creation.” ~Susan Abrams Milligan