Attention is Intention
“Whatever you think and talk about paves the runway for what you will create.” ~Alan Cohen
“Often people get a little miffed when I say that we create our own reality. However, it is true, because things do not happen to us; they happen through us. We are creating it all by the meanings we apply to any given situation. The meanings we apply are based on a number of things:
- past data
- how we view the world from our perspective
- how we show up in the world
- our own underlying intentions
- beliefs that no longer serve us
- etc.
This is why that whenever something happens and a group of people are present, all will have a different perspective and reaction. How we react will determine our reality. Hence, life does happen through us. Once we understand this without judgment and make changes to the meanings we apply to anything that happens, we create a new and better reality to live in. This is because we are thinking and talking about things that are in alignment with what we want to create (instead of putting our attention on what we don’t want.)
Better yet, when we deliberately create our reality with what I call “Divine Intention” in Volume I of my book series, BEing Spiritually Intelligent, we create realities we never knew existed. We soon find that everything is infinite and manifesting anything that is in alignment with Divine Intention is easy and fun.” – Susan Abrams Milligan
Focus Forward is the Secret to Creation
“The degree you allow obstacles in life to be a distraction is your choice. Don’t look where you don’t want to go. What you look at, you create more of. Always stay focused forward by keeping your eye on what you wish to create regardless of what is going on around you.” ~Susan Abrams Milligan
Dream BIG and Then Dream BIGGER!
“Your reality will grow to match the size of your dream. When you limit your dreams or are resistant to dreaming for whatever reason or justification you “imagine,” you are stating loud and clear, “I am not worthy of all the abundance that is out there”. It’s time to ask yourself: How are you capping your potential?” ~Susan Abrams Milligan
Attempting to Control Others Attracts More to Be Controlled
“It is easy to understand how you would come to the conclusion that your path to feeling good is through influencing or controlling the behavior of others. But as you attempt to control them through influence or coercion, you discover that not only can you not contain them, but your attention to them brings more like them into your experience. You cannot get to where you want to be by controlling or eliminating the unwanted.” ~Abraham
“The opposite of control is ‘allowing’. Do not confuse ‘allowing’ with passiveness. It is not the same, although people who are highly prone to attempting to control others often see it that way. This is only because they do not understand the potential of deliberately creating a new reality outside of EGO – yet, and fear that appearing passive depletes their power. That too is an illusion as you will read in Volume I of the series, BEing Spiritually Intelligent.
Allowing is moving with the flow of life and includes following your heart but also taking action. Control has quite the opposite effect and is a different energy frequency. Remember the true essence of the Law of Attraction: ” that which is like unto itself is drawn”. If you feel that you live in a world filled with people who are always manipulating the control of others and situations, take a look at the energy you bring to the mix.” – Susan Abrams Milligan
I Choose to Live in a Spiritually Intelligent Society
“You get the best efforts from others by not lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within.” ~Bob Nelson
“Recognize the gifts in others, BE their mirror by helping them see and then celebrate their own greatness gifts. This is how we grow as a spiritually intelligent society. Everything else is background noise that distracts us from our purpose.” ~Susan Abrams Milligan