What is Karma?

“Karma is not a judgment of right and wrong. It is the attraction of like energy. What you send out comes back to you.” -Susan Abrams Milligan, Author of the book and course, “BEing Spiritually Intelligent”.

Follow the Golden Rule, if for no other reason than because it serves all to the highest good. It’s not that people are bad. It’s simply the things that they do are not serving others and themselves at the highest good. Why? Because they don’t know any other way – yet. They are in “survival mode”. Perhaps they were taught it by watching the adults in their life model it. No one told them that self esteem comes from within. The catalyst to confidence does not come from outside of ourselves. That’s why it is called “self”-esteem. They do not yet know that competing with others is a lack of confidence and encourages a scarcity mentality. There is enough. You are enough. You can help raise awareness by sharing this post.